Etsy Shop

I am excited to announce that Nuanced Earth Art is now on Etsy!  Click on this link to my Etsy Listings.

Please check out the shop for pricing and shipping rates. Etsy accepts the following modes of payment:  credit and debit cards, PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Etsy Gift Cards.

I can  ship anywhere within the continental U.S.  Sales Terms and conditions are listed in detail on the Etsy Shop: NuancedEarthArt

What is Etsy? Etsy provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods (at least 20 years old), and both handmade and non-handmade crafting supplies.  (Wording from their site)

I’ll be adding a new page with links to order prints and other items coming soon!  May 2017